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Research Article
Identification of a new and de novo heterozygous variant in the TP63 gene associated with ADULT syndrome using state-of-the-art bioinformatics and artificial intelligence

Ana Maria Varela Baena*; Lina Johanna Moreno Giraldo*

The TP63 gene located on chromosome 3q28 [1], encodes the tumor protein p63 (TP63 MIM*603273), belonging to the p53 transcription factor family [2], which is essential in the development of ectodermal structures comprising skin, sweat glands, hair, nails and teeth.

Research Article
Artificial intelligence in predicting weaning from mechanical ventilation in patients with respiratory failure

Canabal Berlanga A*; Sánchez Giralt JA; Alvargonzález Riera C; González de Marcos MB; Suárez Sipmann F

Weaning from mechanical ventilation in patients with artificial respiration is a complex process with a high impact on the patient's prognosis. Both its delay and its anticipation, and above all the failure in the process, have significant repercussions for the patient.